Lauren is 38 months. Illness interrupted our tot school routine but we were able to get a few things done.
For more Tot School fun visit 1+1+1=1.
Exploring the world with my girls.
To make this track game I used a red file folder, white square stickers, and Christmas stickers. I placed the white stickers in a track leading to the Christmas tree sticker. I placed stocking stickers on several of the white squares. To play you will need markers (we used Christmas Little People figures) and a bag of either letter or word cards. When I played this with three year old Lauren I used letter cards. For five year old Julia I will use sight word cards.
The directions are placed at the top, left corner of the game board. The players roll a die and move the correct number of spaces. If the player lands on a space with a sticker then she must read a card from the bag.
Two of the spaces are labeled "Poinsettia Patch". a player who lands here must read three cards.
Play continues until everyone reaches the Christmas tree. We like to have the Little People sing a Christmas song around the tree but I guess that is optional!
Here are a few of her activities this week: